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Title The name of entertainers is also a brand
Writer Admin Date 2005-06-13 Hits 1898
⊙Due to the increasing tendency of brand application like title of the latest T.V. drama, the attention given to making a brand on entertainer’s name is also growing.

⊙The popular reference ranking (from 1 to 50) of KIPO on the name of famous entertainers shows the analysis of the application situation as follows:

- 166 total cases were applied until the last of April, 2005. There were only 68 cases until 2003, However, during 16 months (early of January, 2004 through the end of April, 2005) there were 98 cases. It is apparent that the applications regarding famous entertainers’ names are increasing rapidly.
- According to each field, singers are 86 cases, talents 46 and comedians 34. There are many applications on singers’ names.
- According to the individual, the application of the singer has Tong Bang Sin ki 35 cases, Tei 30, Boa 12. The application of comedians has Rimario 17, Kyung Kyu Lee 8, Talents are Ri Soo Ha 18, Yon Sama 12 cases.

Source: KIPO press material 2005-06-03
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